
Heron Derivation Dictionary

Heron Derivation Dictionary

Gain mastery of English and a greater appreciation of language by understanding the history of words.

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🚀 Reach New Levels of Understanding

Every word has a story — a time and place when it was invented. Understanding these stories gives you a deeper understanding of the English language, enabling you to quickly understand others and choose the perfect words for others to perfectly understand you.

✏️ Simple

Simple, concise and easy to understand derivations.

💥 Thousands of Derivations

11,447 entries for commonly used words.

📚 Etymology Glossary

Historical context for language terms (Ex: Old English).

🛣 Rapid Cross-Referencing

One-click links to quickly defined glossary terms.

✈️ Offline Support

Use in classrooms, airplanes and offline.

📱 Multiple Devices

Make only one purchase for both your iPhone and iPad.

Become a Better Reader. Become a Better Writer.

Download the app today and start your journey towards a greater understanding of the English language.

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